How meditation and gratitude journaling freed me from the past

One morning I woke up at 4:15 curious why I disconnect from reality and responsibility.
Why I don’t address simple issues in my life.
I got calmly curious and asked myself: How come I keep avoiding simple, doable tasks in my life?

Through meditation I saw the pain I experienced as a result of a painful. Relationship when I was younger and how I linked and stacked experiences after that to create false belief patterns. I saw where I enforced a negative outcome and insured that outcome by avoiding the very simple tasks and needs of my business and relationships to guarantee failure. I was re-attracting the pain from my childhood. I saw by avoiding simple actions in my life I created and insured the feeling of disappointment and sadness.

It got so bad that a few years ago I started to think I was losing my ability to think critically and I started to give up on that too, again guaranteeing my failure, disappointment and sadness.

Through Meditation and Gratitude Journaling I can...

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