Curiosity Provides Opportunity

coach curiosity Jul 08, 2022

The Curiosity Theory is a Breakthrough System designed to navigate and give a positive direction to the 60,000+ thoughts human beings have daily. It’s no secret that our minds run mostly on auto pilot and that 90% of our daily thoughts are duplicates and repeating patterns of yesterday. 

For the most part, this is a good thing. 

However, suppose you bypass critical or conscious thinking because you don’t want to be troubled, spend time, or burn calories. Chances are, you will miss out on the opportunities that curiosity provides. That is the power to understand, problem solve, and strategize. Therefore, you will be left reliving your past in thought, action, and results.

An often-overlooked part of the process is you operate according to an internal dialogue of questions and answers designed to provide the information you need to make the best decisions for yourself. Curiosity offers you the ability to view the choices you have in life and make the most...

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