Why Do Men Cry?


Over the last 10 years, I had experienced many emotions. I was willing to do what I needed to grow and heal. I found myself unhappy in my marriage. So, I sought out therapy and then medication.

As I became stronger in therapy I no longer wanted or felt the need for medication. I was convinced that I could work through the energy myself and heal what I needed to heal in order to live a life of happiness.

I relied heavily on my USM training in Spiritual Psychology. In Spiritual Psychology, they say, You have earned the right to deal with this challenge.” I really liked that idea and I do my best to use it as often as I can.

So, here’s what happened:
15 years ago
- I was experiencing depression. it was caused by the pressures of work, home and raising children.
3 years ago (after I was separated): I worked through the depression and then FEAR showed up.  And then recently I saw it was all anchored in Stress. The years of business, winning and losing, making money, and then having none. The ups and downs of life and relationships:  personal, romantic, professional, and social.

It was during those times I had created what Gay Hendricks call “Your Upper Limit”
Jennie Antolak in an article titled The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks explains:
We all have a tendency to limit our own happiness because we don't think we deserve for things to go well all the time. These are our “upper limits”. That in order to get over these we have to let ourselves feel positive feelings.

My journey was to feel Positive Feelings. And eventually, with some deep work, soul searching, healing and self-love, I now experience more positive loving feelings than ever before.

I used my Spartan training at MROC Obstacle Course Gym in Oceanside California to work through the body memories that we blocking me and discharge them with some of the hardest workouts I have ever experienced.

I learned that by pushing myself to “My Personal Upper Limits” I would shake up the old energy and emotions that I had learned in the past. From that position I could separate myself from the emotions as the observer, I could look them in the eye and do what I needed to do in order to heal them. What Dr. Joe Dispenza calls – Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.

During these releases, I would anchor in new ideas. I would mentally and emotionally redirect my mind to create a new familiar state that would become a habit, and then a new personality and ultimately a new reality.

I moved up the Emotional Ladder from The Law of Attraction.

I saw that through my journey I experienced Depression because I felt Powerless.

I graduated to Fear because I was dealing with Insecurity, Anger, and Rage.
Eventually, I earned the right to deal with Stress caused by Worry, Doubt & Impatience.

All of these steps required a new set of personal beliefs. I had to release the old patterns and beliefs. Surrender the weird-sounding comfort of Depression, Fear & Stress. And now accept the gifts of Joy and Freedom. Now I welcome the tears that come along with Love and Happiness.

I wish you and your journey well, and tears of joy.


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