Unlock Your Power
Unlock Your Life!

(In Only 3 1/2 Hours!)


Unlock Your Power... Unlock Your LIFE! 

(In ONLY 3 1/2 Hour's)


Unlock Your Inner Power, Transform Your Life, and Become The Man You've Always Wanted To Be!

Saturday, December 2nd, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM PST  


Register Now!

Welcome to Men's BREAKTHROUGH!
Exclusively for Men... Ready to overcome challenges in Life...
With renewed energy, power, and confidence!



In Men's BREAKTHROUGH, you learn how to interrupt the automatic reptilian response at the Point of the TRIGGER.

So rather than getting Triggered, React & Regret!! 

 When You Get TRIGGERED,  
You Pause!
Connect to What You Need. 
Act according to your values and commitments. 
And Celebrate Your Wins!



Hey, I'm Martin! Thanks for stopping by...

I am the founder of Men's BREAKTHROUGH, The Curiosity Theory, and Human Performance Mastery.

My mission is to enhance personal relationships, excel professional growth and results, and help men find a greater sense of accountability and purpose in life.

My staff, coaches and I are here to support you every step of "the Hero's Journey."

We dedicate ourselves to empowering men. Guiding men to unleash their untapped potential and achieve remarkable breakthrough results in every facet of life.

If you're here to play... 
Prepare to embark on a journey of profound self-discovery, epic growth, results, accountability, and practical wisdom... where the boundaries of possibility are shattered, and the heights of personal success are achieved.

You Have My Word!

Great Things Are Going to Come!

"The best thing about this experience... I got Clarity!"
Devon M, San Diego, CA

Made Me a Better Person!

"Whatever issue you face, you will come out feeling great!"
David L San Diego, CA

I Discovered My Purpose!

"I found out why I'm supposed to be here...
In My life!"
Eugene O, Jr., San Diego, CA

Made Me Millions!

Men's BREAKTHROUGH served as the catalyst for my transformation from a small one-man agency to a multi-million-dollar powerhouse, empowering plumbers across the United States.

In addition to its remarkable impact on my marketing agency, Men's BREAKTHROUGH has profoundly influenced my marriage and family, forever changing our lives for the better.
Tony Gee - Houston, TX

Exactly What I Needed!

"The Men's BREAKTHROUGH Program was exactly what I needed to get my life back on track. The program helped me to identify and release the negative patterns and limiting beliefs that were holding me back and to replace them with positive habits and empowering beliefs. Through the program, I also built a supportive community of like-minded men who were going through similar experiences. I feel like I have a new lease on life now, and I'm excited about all the possibilities that lie ahead."
Michael - Yuma, AZ

I was Struggling!

"I was really struggling after my divorce, feeling lost and unsure of how to move forward. But the Men's BREAKTHROUGH Coaching Program gave me the tools and support I needed to rebuild my life. Through the program, I was able to gain clarity on my goals and values and learn practical skills for managing my emotions and relationships. I'm so grateful for the guidance and encouragement I received, and I'm now excited about the future."
Rafael, San Diego, CA


Find the Principals!

"Find the principals and the purpose for who you need to be in life!"
Champ Reed, San Diego, CA

The Quality of Your Life...

"The quality of your life depends on how you resolve conflict."
Stephen D, San Diego, CA

Radically Change!

"Radically change the way we look at life and the way we look at each other"
Rohit J, San Diego, CA

Turn my Pain into Power!

"Divorce was one of the hardest things I've ever gone through, but the Men's BREAKTHROUGH Coaching Program helped me to turn my pain into power. The program gave me a safe space to process my feelings and work through my trauma, while also providing me with a roadmap for creating a fulfilling and meaningful life. I've been able to rekindle my passion for my career, deepen my connections with my friends and family, and rediscover my own sense of self-worth."
Sydney - Dallas, TX

Family Drama

Men's BREAKTHROUGH provided me with the tools and resources to navigate through my family drama and helped me uncover some deeper issues that.
I didn't even realize were holding me back.

Today, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. My family drama no longer defines me, and I am able to live my life with a newfound sense of freedom and purpose. I can confidently say that it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. 
Armando A - San Diego, CA

Single Father

"As a single father, I was struggling to balance my responsibilities at home with my career and personal life. But the Men's BREAKTHROUGH helped me develop better time management skills, prioritize self-care, and improve communication with my kids. The program also helped me to heal from the emotional wounds of my divorce and to cultivate a more positive and optimistic mindset. I'm now Swimming in the Goodness. I'm more present, engaged with my children, and fulfilled in all areas of my life." Aaron K - San Diego, CA

Absolute Game Changer!

Men's BREAKTHROUGH has been an absolute game-changer for me. The program has equipped me with invaluable insights into personal growth and self-awareness and elevated my understanding of my desires, values, and aspirations.

This newfound clarity has profoundly impacted my role as a partner, allowing me to nurture stronger connections and foster a deeper sense of understanding in my relationships. 
Ryan - San Diego, CA

Always Learning!

As a man dedicated to personal growth, I constantly strive to improve as a husband, father, and business owner. Men's BREAKTHROUGH has exceeded my expectations, offering valuable insights and self-awareness. This program has given me a deep understanding of my desires, values, and goals, enhancing my role as a partner in my marriage. Additionally, my business has flourished like never before. I am grateful for the growth opportunities and the significant impact Men's BREAKTHROUGH has had on my life.
David P- Alpine, CA

Brought back my integrity!

It's like I found the missing piece of the puzzle that brought back my integrity, repaired old relationships, reignited my untapped potential, and awakened a fierce determination within me. This incredible program infused me with energy and motivation like never before. I wake up each day feeling unstoppable, ready to seize the world with unwavering confidence.
Gilberto- New York, NY